I’m making this blog to catch everyone up on where Vai is right now. We have been working very hard on a couple of things. first, getting our Business organized e.i. Leadership, financing, and marketing. Second, perfecting our product! Organizing the business has not been an easy one day task, working with SCORE has been instrumental. Sarah knew we were lacking in the organization but SCORE helped to put it all into perspective and laid out a map for us to follow. Getting our shit together feels amazing! There’s a lot more to do but it feels like we have a real company now! I have personally taken on the finance department.
Side Note: I am not an organized person, and I hate math/numbers! Well, I have more of a fear of them than a hatred! I literally cried in math class when I could not get what was being taught in High School! Though If someone works with me and it’s material I do routinely then I can get/retain it.
We required Quickbooks online awhile ago knowing we would need it but not having a clue as to how to work it! My hopes were to have someone else in our group do the books but lucky, lucky me it fell at my feet! Well after watching over 20 youtube videos and some good advice from fellow quick-book experts I actually managed to balance our companies Books!!!!
As far as leadership well that’s 100%, Sarah Newlon! I try very hard to stay at pace with her but she is amazingly organized, self-taught/sufficient, high tech knowledge and can delegate what’s needed! I know this experience is new for all of us and is an excellent learning experience. There are bright futures in this company for the women that have nurtured it!
We are also currently in the process of perfecting our product with the manufacturer, so a lot of back and forth is going on. Sarah and I have literally had meetings that lasted anywhere from 4 hours to 10 hrs! Susan was able to attend one of the long-ass meetings and it was great having another brain involved and contributing.
Side Note: Susan is our one team member who has the most experience with sewing and materials. I do as much research as time permits but None of us went to design school. Point being we take our time when evaluating our product to look up every meaning/word so that our final product is perfect and falls in line with our core values!
Every time we get closer to perfecting our product or we finish a task list from SCORE or a task list from a company meeting, or we do an event I get so pumped up and optimistic for this Company!
Yay go Vai Athletica-U Line
Thanks for reading!