Monthly Archives: October 2019

Stomach Pain

 I have a three year old and thank heavens he has been pretty healthy!  Except for the occasional cold and stomach flu, which I always seem to contract from him, he has been a salubrious toddler!  About two weeks ago he had stomach pain, for the first time in his whole 3.5 years of life […]

Contrast Bath Therapy

 This past Wednesday 10-16-19 my totally Awesome sister/partner/bestfriend took me to a place called Glen Ivy Hot Springs!  Now, I have been invited by friends or enticed by ads and brochures for a spa day before, which usually included a massage or manny peddy. Don’t Get me wrong those  ”spa days” are nice but that […]

Dream Into Reality

The first few blogs on starting Vai was titled The Dream, but then I strayed away from that title.  Not intentional it just happened that way. To be truthful about it I have never blogged or owned a business or managed a website (not that I’m running the website with ours currently) or kept financial […]

Weight Management

 One of the most common health issues, unaddressed by owners, is overweight pets.  It cracks me up that a lot of clients are clueless when I inform them that their pets are overweight.  When I see a patient with a great body score and I compliment them on keeping weight off, most owners have stories […]