Welcome back, everyone! It’s been a while since I blogged about my diet and I can not tell a lie! I fell off the wagon, well half way off. I was doing good with healthy weight loss recipes and implementing my stomach crunches then boom stomach flu hit the household! I was so sick 🤢for […]
Mother’s Day is a celebration of life. Mothers around the world enjoy the love and recognition of everything they do. Mothers don’t just come in one dimensional form, they are anyone that have the wonderful nature to give everything in them to who and what they love. Mothers may not come in the same way […]
Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mothers who have always given themselves to their children! I would do anything to give my two boys what they need in life and then I strive extra hard to give them some of the things they want! As I’ve blogged before my two boys are almost 2 […]
Hello again! The diet has definitely been challenging. I have been great with the morning shakes, it’s easy, fast and tastes decent. On Sunday – Monday lunches are soups or salads brought from home to work. My days off Wednesday-Saturday I still eat soup or whatever is the healthiest on a restaurants menu! Yesterday on […]
Just about 3 weeks ago my 3 yr and 2 month old started some major breakthroughs on a couple of levels!😃He started communicating and talking like crazy! Literally, just one day was talking up a storm and understanding me by answering back with yes and no’s! He was also repeating a lot of the words […]
Hi everybody,Started my Diet on 4-22-19 weighed in at 135.6lb at ~4pmI ate a good amount of Easter candy that previous Easter Day, so did not do myself any favors! In the mornings I start with a protein shake. I put 1cup of almond milk, one scoop of veggie protein (my preference is chocolate, gotta […]
So you would think that with a band new innovative sports bra that enables women, no matter what lifestyle or daily activities, to be hands free would sell its self! Well I quickly found out that it Does Not! I know what you’re thinking! You’re thinking “What, A product that would equip me for the […]
Here I am folks 5:40am on a Wednesday, looking up diets and deciding which one I will go with. Please bear with me, I have never been on a regulated diet plan, do to laziness and bad will power, so I make no promises to dedication!😜. Quick Tip:Written by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE on August […]
We all know it and yet we all ignore it! Taking time for yourself! And I don’t mean cleaning during nap times. Quick Tip:No, Moms: It’s Not Selfish to Make Yourself a PriorityIf you feel guilty about self-care, know this, mama: Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s an essential part of being a good […]
I love to eat, who doesn’t! And some of us have stronger wills than others. For me, my will gains strength when I start to see actual results! Quick Tip: The time it takes for you to see (and others to notice) weight loss results can vary from person to person. Many factors, including your […]